Postgraduate Conference Funding 2013

October 2013 Review Awards

£500 awarded to JR Gamage, Strathclyde university, towards fees, travel and accommodation involved in presenting his paper: “What Makes Cleaning a Costly Operation in Remanufacturing” at the 11th Global Conference for Sustainable Manufacturing held in Berlin in September 2013

£298 award to Sophie Payne-Gifford, Reading university, towards fees and accommodation involved in her presentation: “Innovation Systems Analysis to Take Advantage of the Regulatory Opportunity Presented by 1107/2009 – Placing Plant Protection Products on the Market” at the IPM Conference in Lincolnshire in October 2013

July 2013 Review Awards

£500 awarded to Yasser Ahmad Bhatti, Said Business School, University of Oxford, towards travel, subsistence and conference fees involved in presenting his paper: “Conceptualising and operationalising frugal innovation” at the Academy of Management Annual Conference in Florida, August 2013

£365 awarded to Frank Korbla Dzokoto, Civil and Building Engineering Management, Loughborough University, towards conference fees, travel, subsistence and accommodation involved in presenting his paper: “Information behaviour characteristics of project actors in organisation management” at the World Congress on Engineering in London, July 2013

£500 awarded to Omid Omidvar Tehrani, Manchester Institute of Innovation Research, University of Manchester, towards travel, subsistence and accommodation involved in presenting his paper: “Revisiting Absorptive Capacity: Literature review and a Practice-based Extension of the Concept” at the DRUID 2013 Conference in Barcelona, June 2013

£500 to Aineias Gkikas, Cardiff School of Planning and Geography, Cardiff University, towards travel, subsistence and accommodation involved in presenting his paper: “Innovation performance of SMEs within an uncompetitive regional economy: the case of Wales” at the 58th International Council for Small Business World Conference in Puerto Rico in June 2013

£500 to Javad Jafarian, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Manchester, towards travel, subsistence and accommodation involved in presenting his paper: “A new approach to analyse asynchronous CSMA wireless networks based on hidden node models” at the IEEE VTC-FALL 2013 Conference in Las Vegas in September 2013

£500 to Man Hang Yip, Dept. Of Engineering, University of Cambridge, towards travel and subsistence involved in presenting his paper: “Stakeholder engagement in early stage product-service system development for healthcare informatics” at the Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology in San Jose, California in July 2013

April 2013 Review Awards

£500 Conference fee award to Chunjia Han, Southampton University, presenting Indices of Open Innovation paper at ISPIM Conference, Helsinki, June 2013

£500 Conference fee award to Sara Hajnassiri, Cambridge University, presenting Measuring Design Performance paper at IPDMC Conference, Paris, June 2013

£500 award towards Conference fees, travel and accommodation, for Renzo Cordina, Strathclyde University, who presented Investment in Companies with Intangible Assets paper at BAFA Conference, Newcastle in April 2013

£500 award towards travel and subsistence for Luzselene Rincon-Arguelles, Institute for Manufacturing, Cambridge, who presented The Impact of Innovation Management Consultancy Firms on the R&D and Marketing Relationship paper at IAMOT Conference in Brazil, April 2013

£387 award for conference fees, travel, subsistence and accommodation to Miria Koshy, Warwick Business School, who presented “Electronic Health Records in England’s NPfIT: Competing discourses and the rise of the clinician-IT hybrid” paper at the UK Academy of Information Systems Conference, Oxford, in March 2013