Postgraduate Project Support 2014
November 2014 Review
Funding has been awarded to:
Ezequiel Zylberberg, Oxford University, towards travel expenses involved in his PhD research: “State supported innovation intermediaries and industrial upgrading in Brazil”
Denis Frydrych, Edinburgh University, towards travel and accommodation expenses involved in his PhD research: “An investigation of entrepreneurial activities in crowdfunding”
Munavvar Sultana Syedda, London School of Commerce, towards travel and subsistence involved in her PhD research: “Institutional support in empowering women entrepreneurs through ICT based innovations in the UK: strategies and challenges.”
May 2014 Review
Funding has been award to:
Jacobus Renken, University of Manchester, towards travel and communication expenses involved in his PhD research “Champions of ICT4D Innovations: their orientation to results, relationships and resources.”
March 2014 Review
Funding has been awarded to:
Yu-Chia Ko, MBS, Innovation Mgmt. and Policy, towards travel and transcription expenses involved in his research: “Effect of government actions on technological innovation for UK’s carbon capture and storage.”
Amelia Sharman, London School of Economics and Political Science, Geography & Environment, towards transcription support expenses involved in her PhD research: “Much ado about nothing? The impact of climate scepticism on science and policy.”
January 2014 Review
Funding has been awarded to:
Man Hang Yip, Centre for Technology Management, Institute for Manufacturing, University of Cambridge, for travel and accommodation expenses involved in her PhD research: “Healthcare product-service system (PSS) characterisation in the early stage of the PSS development process.”
Huey Yuen Ng, University of Cambridge, for accommodation expenses involved in his PhD research: “Accelerating industrial emergence using the business ecosystem approach.”
Samuel Adomako, Warwick Business School, University of Warwick, for data collection and analysis, travel and miscellaneous expenses involved in his PhD research: “Small business growth in Ghana.”